
Photo : Back row L to R: Brecken Vossman, Brice Schmitz, Kaiden Storck, Liam Riley, Deputy (Coach) Soneberg

Front row L to R: Andon Kloskey, Rylan McAllister

Not pictured: Brayden Surges

Firstly, the team played at AMF West in West Allis on Saturday and finished 1st out of 15 matches averaging a 204 and taking down 3,066 pins! The team ultimately fell to Muskego in the championship round but had a great run.

Secondly, Kaiden Storck took 2nd place all around for the bowling district comprised of 23 teams!

kaydenThirdly, the team has three teammates with Academic Awards! Liam Reilly, Brice Schmitz, and Aiden Winter (not pictured) achieved a 3.5+ GPA!!! Congratulations Gentlemen!academic

Finally, a big shoutout to our Seniors for a great high school bowling career!
